
Parts of a Combo

Using this library with combos you have two functions avalible for use SUBS and COMB. They stand for Substitute and Combo respectfully. Lets take a look at a dictionary



The COMB() Macro is responsible for take in a combo and outputting a single keypress!. The general form is COMB(ident, keycodeToEmit, keySequence...) So Line 3 in the above dictionary takes WE and outputs Escape.

Ident:A unique identifier, something descriptive works, but asdfffdsadf also works.

keycodeToEmit:A keycode from the QMK Keycode list. This includes Mouse, Shifted and Quantum keycodes.

keySequence: a series of keycodes to be pressed before triggering this output.


Subs is a very powerful macro and is used for all other sequences. For multicharacter, shifted or well anything else you’re going to use SUBS. At it’s core it relys on QMKs SEND_STRING() The general form is similar to COMBs, SUBS(ident, sendStringArg, keySequence...). So Line 10 outputs the start of the Interjection copypasta.

Ident:A unique identifier, something descriptive works, but asdfffdsadf also works.

sendStringArg: The macro or string to be send by SEND_STRING()

keySequence: a series of keycodes to be pressed before triggering this output.

Advanced SEND_STRINGing

The strings passed to SUBS() can be much more then dumb output! For sending control sequences, modifiers and other abritrary keycodes take a look at the QMK SEND_STRING docs. Just be aware that this library handles the hooking and storage, just pass the string to SUBS()!

Take a few minutes to play around and make a few of your own and add them to your combos.def! Next up, managing dictionaries.

Managing Dicts

Power Features


Togg is a simple method, it turns on and off layers! Make sure your layer names are defined before your engine include (in keymap.c) and you can use them here. A word of warning, due to combos being character based once you toggle a layer make sure you can press the keys to get out! The general form is similar to the previous, TOGG(ident, layer, keySequence...).

Ident:A unique identifier, something descriptive works, but asdfffdsadf also works.

layer:: The QMK layer to toggle

keySequence: a series of keycodes to be pressed before triggering this function


Sometimes when you’re deep in combo shenanigans you need access to process_combo_event() that this decorator wraps. If you need to put something in there manually for debugging purposes or otherwise, create a file inject.h in your keymap directory. If this file exists all code in it will be inserted into process_combo_event()` after the decorator stuff.